October Wrap Up// tbr? I don’t know her

Happy Halloween! I hope that no matter how you are celebrating the holiday you are enjoying yourself. Personally, I will be going to weekly trivia tonight. What I said in the title seriously stands; I did not read a single book on my tbr this month (not counting the one book I wrote down because I was already reading it and knew I would finish). All the books I intended to read for October because they were spooky or because they are arcs I need to read (or should have already read) are either still in progress or untouched.

That doesn’t mean I got no books read, although I certainly read less than usual. I finished a total of five books this month, two of them graphic novels and two of them audiobooks. Wow, now that I am reading that, it is wild to think that I only read one normal book this month. However, I did love the graphic novels I read, Check Please! Book Two and The Princess and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich. Thankfully, heading into November I think I am finally getting out of my reading slump. Now it’s just about finding the time to read!

  • Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo – 3/5 stars★★★
  • Check Please! Book Two by Ngozi Ukazu – 4/5 stars ★★★★
  • You Don’t Have a Shot by Racquel Marie – 4/5 stars ★★★★
  • The Princess and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich by Deya Muniz – 4.5/5 stars ★★★★★
  • The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin – 3/5 stars ★★★

I am thrilled to report that I managed to post twice this month! Usually I would consider this low, but given how busy I am I am happy I even posted that much. I wrote a wrap-up of my beating the backlist challenge, which you might recall I set for myself in July, and finally managed to finish in September. And in honor of Halloween, I posted some recs for books about witchcraft.

Fatma at The Book Place posted a review of A Nobleman’s guide to Seducing a Scoundrel, which reminds me I really need to read a K.J. Charles book!
Caitlyn at TeaTimeLit posted a review of Murder and Mamon, the newest installment of a series I am behind of, but I still enjoyed reading the delightful review!
Joanna at The Geekish Brunette posted a review of What the River Knows, a book I am reading right now!

Of course the last few days have definitely been all about 1989 (Taylor’s Version). However, listening to it also put me in the mood to listen to Midnights, which surprises me because Midnights is not my favorite album. I have also been listening to a TED Radio Hour/NPR show The Body Electric, about how technology changes our bodies. It is really interesting and has definitely got me up and moving more!

In a sentence that will surprise no one, I have been extremely busy this month. I was sick at the beginning of the month, I went to a conference last week, and of course I have had a lot of school work all month long. I also had my first therapy appointment last week, so that is definitely a win. I am currently thrilled because my partner is visiting for over a week and getting to spend time together is really nice. (It is also nice because it means I can get him to cook meals and stuff so I don’t have to do it myself). We also went to the bookstore this weekend and I came away with a pretty nice haul courtesy of the Barnes and Noble gift cards I have been hogging for years (I am bad at spending money, including gift cards). I am super excited to dive into all the books I got: Percy Jackson and the Chalice of the Gods, How to Find a Missing Girl, Yellowface, and Make Up Break Up.

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