Discussion: does it matter what happens after a memoir? // joint post with my boyfriend

Memoirs are having a moment. From Britney Spears to Prince Harry, celebrity memoirs have captured the interest of the book community. There are also many popular memoirs from less-well-known people which have dominated the book sphere, like Crying in H Mart or Know My Name. But what happens after a memoir? Obviously all memoirs are carefully crafted stories, and they don’t reveal everything about the author. They are deliberately written with an arc in mind, and that might mean leaving some details out or emphasizing others. Can the events that happen after a memoir lessen the impact of the original work if they contradict what is written there?

My partner, Avery, knows that I love reading, so naturally we discuss books quite a bit. Recently, he brought me this question based on a book he was reading. I thought it would be really fun to turn this discussion into a blog post. This will be formatted as a conversation between the two of us, and I will let Avery start by explaining.

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